Wednesday 12 March 2014


I've loved pens ever since I was able to use one. It's a passion that has followed me through school and into work for almost 50 years. I recently decided that this interest of mine would be more rewarding if I took it more seriously, and tried to find out more about the background of the more interesting pens that I own, as well as adding a few more to my collection. I then thought it would be even more interesting (for me at least!) to keep a blog about my hobby. So here it is!

I love to write with a nice pen, especially when it's done on decent paper. At the moment my preferred paper is my old faithful Moleskine notebook. However, reading different articles on the web, I'm interested in trying out other brands like Rhodia.

I was born in the year of the Dragon, so pens with a Dragon or Oriental theme are interesting to me. I also like Buddha themed items so will be keeping an eye out for an affordable pen in that genre.

Although I've loved pens all my life, I'm new to collecting. This blog will hopefully be a journal of my discoveries and any tips that I manage to uncover. I hope you find it interesting.